Elkington Polled Herefords
And South Devon’s
Pap Scores And how to interpret them
What is PAP (Brisket Disease) in cattle is physiologically known as bovine pulmonary hypertension and is problematic in calves raised at altitudes over 6,000 ft. The average pressure within the pulmonary artery is the pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) value that producers at high altitude should consider when selecting sires for their herd. Since PAP is a moderately to highly heritable trait (~40%), it’s an indicator trait that can be used to minimize the risk of brisket disease
Interpreting PAP
• Up to 42: Considered an excellent score for any animal more than 12 months. Ideal for high altitudes.
• PAP 43-48: An acceptable range for animals greater than 16 months. Adequate for high altitudes.
• PAP 49-52: An acceptable range for only older animals that have been in high elevations for an extended period of time. Younger animals may become problematic at high altitudes.
• Pap Greater than 53: Animals scoring in this range must be considered high-risk at altitude above 7500ft
Herefords typically do not carry the gene but any respiratory illness as a calf will also cause a high score. A Pap score above 53 I would not use in elevations above 6500ft for a prolonged time Our ranch is located between 5500 and 7500 ft elevation in the Bone Idaho area; these animals are born, bred, and raised at high elevation we have never seen brisket disease. We PAP tested for the convince of our customers at higher elevation.