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 Dixon Farms- We have been buying bulls from the Elkington sale for years. There bulls are very gentle and sound. We have never had an issue with health or longevity.The have deeply improved the genetics of our herd for steers that will sell and heifer you want to keep. Overall the whole buying experience is honest and worth your bottom lines time. Buy one, get a dog for free!

Paul Dixon Idaho Falls ID Lima MT


Elkington Polled Herefords have made a positive impact on our cowherd. When we sorted our replacement heifers, most of the Hereford cross calves retained were sired by Elkington Bulls. There are high volume, deep ribbed females that will make moderate-framed, easy fleshing cows that we appreciate in our family operation. We plan to add more Elkington Bulls this year.

Judy Ranch Blackfoot, ID.


For the past 10 years I have used Elkington genetics in my cow herd and have been very pleased with their performance. The F1 cross makes an exceptional female that has added longevity to the herd and produces calves that feed extremely well. My herd will always have Elkington genetics in it due to the added benefits I receive; great breed back, higher wean weights, conversion.

Steve Wells Dietrich,Idaho


We've been buying Elkington South Devon bulls since they first started raising them. We've really enjoyed seeing how they have improved our cow herd. We have had cattle buyers tell us that our cattle have outgrown angus cattle that started out the same size. We have put black South Devons bulls with our Angus cows and have been pleased with the size of our calves. They are nice, thick, heavy, black calves that the cattle buyers love. We have never been docked on price for our nice, red, South Devon cross calves either. We have small children and my dad is 80 years old and still goes out and checks the heifers at calving time. We are grateful for the South Devon's gentle disposition that allows 3 generations to work together on our ranch.

Jon and Amanda Bevan Tetonia, Idaho

Contact Elkington Polled Herefords & South Devons for more information  

Keith Elkington      208-521-1774

Brent Elkington     .208-523-6461

Layne Elkington     208-681-0765 

Eric Elkington .      .208-881-4014


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